November 2017 - The Month in Gaming
Here once again (and fashionably late), is The Month in Gaming. Though perhaps not as many as last month, there are quite a few big releases to sink your teeth into. So, here are some of the games you should be keeping an eye on (or...are likely already playing) for the month of November 2017. Call of Duty: WWII Release Date: 3rd November Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One The fourteenth (!) main entry in the Call of Duty series brings the fight back to boots-on-the-ground, historical action; as opposed to the futuristic jetpack warfare of the last couple entries. As you've likely guessed from the title, that action has also returned to World War II. WWII brings a notable new addition to the series with Headquarters, a social space and multiplayer hub akin (very akin) to Destiny's Tower area. Here, you can pick up challenges, customise weapons, open loot boxes, and watch other people open loot boxes. Also, you wander around in third-person. You know, like Destiny. ...