There Are Too Many Fucking Video Games

Fuck 2017's been good for games.

Horizon, Zelda, Mass Effect. I could go on. And we're only in March.

Persona, Red Dead 2, Uncharted, and many more are still to come. 2017 could be one of the most hyped-up years for games in a decade.

Shame I'm stuck in 2016.

I look on my shelf above me, and see Borderlands: The Handsome Collection, Far Cry Primal, and Dishonored 2. I haven't finished any of these; I've only started Primal. Yet, I'm going to play all of them, plus several more from last year before I move on to most of the games on the front pages of games news sites (I greedily bought a Switch and am very much enjoying Zelda).

Such is my issue. I love games, and I wanna play 'em all. My OCD-like consumerism knows no bounds. It's gonna be months (if not years) before I end up playing some of the games in the spotlight now.

What doesn't help is that when I find sudden interest in a franchise I've never really delved into, like Mass Effect, or The Witcher, I want to go back and experience them from the beginning. So, I'm in Act I of the first Witcher, and am looking forward to experiencing Wild Hunt in approximately 3 years.

My intrinsically first-world problem originated from getting behind in releases when I decided to charge my way through the MGS franchise in the months leading up to Phantom Pain. "In the months" translated into finally starting MGS V exactly one year after it came out, meaning I missed out on 2016's games while I painstakingly tried to get to Peace Walker's true ending (which I did. MGS V was sick).

I'm also probably going to play through all the Resident Evils before I play VII, fail stealth through Dishonored 1 before I fail stealth through 2, and trundle through the most-likely mediocre Watch Dogs story DLC before I start Watch Dogs 2. Fuck sake.

The biggest chance I have in catching up to the spotlight is probably this summer when I'm off from Uni, and have almost 4 months to do nothing but play sweet, sweet video games.

Except I'll have assignments, family holidays, driving lessons, and I've been promising myself I'll get back to learning the guitar since primary school.

Fuck it I'm going back to bed.


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