There Are Too Many Fucking Video Games
Fuck 2017's been good for games. Horizon, Zelda, Mass Effect. I could go on. And we're only in March. Persona, Red Dead 2, Uncharted, and many more are still to come. 2017 could be one of the most hyped-up years for games in a decade. Shame I'm stuck in 2016. I look on my shelf above me, and see Borderlands: The Handsome Collection, Far Cry Primal, and Dishonored 2. I haven't finished any of these; I've only started Primal. Yet, I'm going to play all of them, plus several more from last year before I move on to most of the games on the front pages of games news sites (I greedily bought a Switch and am very much enjoying Zelda). Such is my issue. I love games, and I wanna play 'em all. My OCD-like consumerism knows no bounds. It's gonna be months (if not years) before I end up playing some of the games in the spotlight now. What doesn't help is that when I find sudden interest in a franchise I've never really delved into, like Mass ...